Based on the life of Phineas Taylor Barnum, BARNUM The Circus Musical will show you every sight and wonder that name stands for. Witness Jumbo, the largest elephant in the world, Joice Heth the oldest woman to ever live, and the most beautiful operatic voice to ever appear on stage, the Swedish Nightingale Jenny Lind.
Starring in this magical all-new production of the award-winning Broadway musical is Australia's Greatest Showman Todd McKenney as P.T Barnum. Co-staring as devoted wife, Charity Barnum, is acclaimed stage and screen actor Rachael Beck.
With music by Cy Coleman (Sweet Charity) and Book by Mark Bramble (42nd Street) and lyrics by Michael Stewart (Hello Dolly!),, get ready to experience traditional musical theatre blended with real-life circus in a completely re-imagined production of this award-winning Broadway musical. Led by acclaimed Director Tyran Parke, together with Choreographer Kelly Aykers, Musical Director Stephen Gray and Circus Direction by Zebastian Hunter.
If you're only going to the theatre once this year – BARNUM is the must-see event of 2019! BARNUM The Circus Musical arrives at Melbourne's Comedy Theatre this April for a strictly limited season.
Wednesday to Saturday 7:30pm
Wednesday & Sunday 1pm
Saturday 2pm